Tuesday 14 April 2009

Angular Cheilitis Natural Cures

by Sara Mayes

Try the natural cures here.

  • What is Angular Cheilitis?

    Cheilitis is essentially a fungal problem caused by bacteria getting out of control. It occurs at the corners of the mouth where the upper and lower lips join at an angle. Deep cracks and possibly splits appear. Cold sores and chapped lips, although less severe, fall under the same category.

  • Causes

    Cheilitis is probably brought on by a depletion in the body of Riboflavin and Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B1 and vitamin B12) as well as iron. However, to this day, no-ne is entirely sure. Angular cheilitis natural cures almost always outperform synthetic drugs because they are less specific, more holistic. And because they have no side effects, they can be taken over an extended period of time, if necessary.

  • Cheilitis Symptoms

    Because the body weakens because of lowered immune levels, the first symptoms can often present as similar to those of a common cold or flu. But as the bad bacteria really takes a hold, the symptoms become visibly obvious as the lesions around the lips appear.

  • Angular Cheilitis Natural Cures

    Natural cures for angular cheilitis weigh heavily in favor of herbal remedies. Herbal infusions encourage the development of good bacteria which fights the bacteria causing the lesions. They raise the body's immunity to other infections at the same time.

  • Herbal Cures

    A recommended herbal remedy guide is a prerequisite for a herbal treatment of Cheilitis. The current cures are amazing for their diversity of herbs and are so much more potent than older herbal concoctions. Older Western treatments used bogbean, wormwood and gentian root. For topological application, creams were made from Venice turpentine, yellow wax, olive oil, balsam Peru and dragon's blood.

  • Dietary Considerations

    The following should be included in a one month diet: egg yolk, dried peas, whole wheat flower, oatmeal, spinach, watercress, raisins, potatoes, cabbage, apples and milk.

  • Medical Opinion on Angular Cheilitis Natural Cures

    Sandy McNab of the FI Research Institute, writes: It is a curious fact about Cheilitis that it responds just so well to alternative herbal cures. Of course, the healing properties of herbs are accepted without qualification. But often herbal structures are impotent against virulent bacterial attacks. This is not the case at all with cheilitis. In fact, the reverse is true.